About Me

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la hilig sa blogblog pero na ingganyu gd ko ni zarina pasia, i'm loud, lazy sometimes, la patawad.. food trip most of the time, chubby, yougest baby, like to stay at home mag chatting and surfing.. indi naku mag liwat pero katapusan nalang ni..

Saturday, December 27, 2008

4 days stuck..

since 24, i hadn`t done special, even for my self like a simple gift.. i avoided parties and club for a change, perhaps for a while!

i celebrated christmas together with a friend, had a little supper, cooked pasta and bought cake for two, nothing really special except that we spend time together, both had nobody around us, like we called ``family``. We watched movie, laughed out together, had drank lemonade and beers.

apparently i stayed alone, didn`t go out for 4 freaking days, i wouldn`t like to stay home like this, but the freezing cold would keep you home, aside from travelling by bus and train would probably break your notion to hang on, except limousine is glittering outside my door.. lol

i dont know what to do, yesterday was a boxing sale all over the country, still i decided to lay down on my bed, and eventually causes back pain..

i`m stuck!

physically bad and worst emotionally so hard.. i know, i shoudn`t be like this, however it is really tough.. i never had a life like this, time moves so fast, though changed likewise. Yet unfortunately, damn! what i want? i dont want to get stuck..

1 comment:

ZAO said...

kamusta ka na da stengs? nag expire na chatbox mo..